0.339g For cats Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel Tablets


Pyrantel Pamoate, Praziquantel


White to slightly yellow tablets.

Specifications: 0.339g: Pyrantel Pamoate 0.23g+Praziquantel 0.02g

Storage: Store at room temperature.

Shelf life: 2 years.

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Product Details

For cats Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel Tablets  is a kind of pet deworming tablets.For the treatment of mixed nematode and tapeworm infections in cats. It is the dewormer for cats, tapeworm treatment for cats,deworming medicine for cats.This product can remove a variety of parasites,such as Toxocephala felis adult worm, Ancylostoma tuberculosis adult worm, Ancylostoma brasiliensis adult worm, Echinococcus multilocularis, Dipyridium canis, Taenia vesicularis, Mesophorum spp, Joy's tapeworm, etc.

Usage and dosage: 

Based on this product. Oral administration: One dose, per 4kg body weight, cat 1 tablet (equivalent to 1kg body weight, pyrantel pamoate 57.5mg, praziquantel 5mg). See the table below for details.

Body weight (kg)

Dose (tablets)








It can be swallowed directly or wrapped in meat or sausage for administration without fasting.

Adult cats are routinely dewormed every 3 months.

When roundworm infestation occurs, complete elimination of the roundworm cannot be guaranteed, especially in kittens. Cats/humans who come into contact with cats using this product may still be infected. Therefore, kittens should be dosed once every 14 days after the first dose until 2-3 weeks after weaning.

Adverse reactions: In rare cases, mild and transient gastrointestinal disturbances, such as increased salivation and/or vomiting, and mild and transient nerve damage, such as ataxia, may occur after using this product.

0.339g For cats Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel Tablets 0.339g For cats Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel Tablets 0.339g For cats Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel Tablets

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